County Stadium in its final season, 2000. Miller Park can be seen nearly complete in the background.
County Stadium It did not take long for County Stadium to become outdated. The stadium was designed after Wrigley Field, but did not have the history, day games or insanely fun atmosphere that the Cub's ball park has.
In center field is a distinctive beer stein and brewhaus. When a Brewer hits a home run, Bernie Brewer slides into the beer stein, to the loud approval of the Brewer fans.
Notable Facts
Stadium sits on site of former Story Quarry.
Surveyor’s mark on right-field foul pole: "315.37."
From 1953 to 1973 (before the park was expanded) hospital patients at the National Soldiers Home V.A. Hospital sat outside their rooms on Mockingbird Hill overlooking right field and watched the games for free.
Perini’s Woods, a grove of spruce and fir trees behind the center-field fence, were planted in 1954 and replaced by bleachers in 1961.
Braves Reservation, a picnic area down the left-field line, was inaugurated in 1961.
Bernie Brewer slides into a huge beer stein in right-center whenever a Brewer hits a homer.
Cecil Fielder is the only player ever to hit a homer completely out of the park during a game.
Scene of Midwest League minor league game on August 27, 1966, between Fox Cities and Wisconsin Rapids.
Braves hosted both the Cincinnati Reds and the St. Louis Cardinals on September 24, 1954. The first game was the continuation of a game played two days earlier, the conclusion of which on a disputed double play was successfully protested by the Reds. The Reds tied the game after the protested contest’s resumption, but the Braves won, 4-3, in the bottom of the ninth, and then went on to beat the Cardinals, 4-2.
The Chicago White Sox played here for nine games in 1968 and 11 games in 1969.
One can find bratwurst being cooked all around the parking lots at baseball’s biggest site for tailgate parties.