Mel Kiper Jr. on Notre Dame Stadium
"With so many awesome sights, this is a true scene-setter for what college life is all about.
From the Basilica of the Sacred Heart to Touchdown Jesus to the Golden Dome to the
band playing the 'Victory March.' And on Friday night, regardless of the opponent, they
have the traditional pep rally. In my opinion, a college football season isn't truly complete
unless you plan at least one visit to South Bend. And it doesn't matter whether it's game
day. A stroll through the warm, homey campus with "The Grotto" and all the historic
landmarks is as relaxing and entertaining as you could ever imagine."

Touchdown Jesus
The stadium opened its gates in 1930. Total cost of construction was
more than $750,000. The original seating capacity was 54,000. The
Irish played their first game in the new stadium on October 4, 1930,
beating Southern Methodist University 20-14. The official dedication
was on October 11 against Navy. In 1997 21,000 new seats were added
to the stadium, bringing the seating capacity to the present 80,795. The
stadium is known for its view of "Touchdown Jesus", a nickname given
to a large mural of the resurrected Jesus located on the Hesburgh
Library which looms over the stadium mirroring the raised arms of a
referee signifying a touchdown. Expanding the stadium has had the
side-effect of partially obscuring the view of Touchdown Jesus from the