(photo above) It is notable that at Qwest Field, there is the Seahawks tribute to high school football of the State of Washington. A section of the Stadium entitled "The
State of Football", features a large depiction of the State of Washington and holds replica football helmets from every high school football team in the State. Another
tribute to the high school sport is hosting the annual Emerald City Kickoff Classic, a season opening series of games between some of the best teams in the state. The
games also feature a meeting between one of the best teams in Washington and one of the best from another state. The most memorable of these games was in
2004 when the 3 time consecutive Washington State 3A champions the Bellevue Wolverines ended the 155 game winning streak of the Concord (CA) De La Salle

The tour goes on year round at Qwest Field. It costs $7, and tickets are available at
the Seahawk store outside the stadium. These photos were all taken during a tour in
July 2007.